The need for a new way of working…
Today’s work environment is complex, diverse and fast paced. It involves vast change, pressure and uncertainty.
An effective way to deal with this complexity and harness the many opportunities it provides, is to develop highly skilled, collaborative teams. It is unrealistic to expect any one person in an organisation to have all the answers. We need to develop our ability to work effectively together to utilise the perspectives, skills and experience of everyone in our organisations.
The core skills we cover
We specialise in the skill areas many roles need to succeed:
the soft (or power) skills and business acumen.
Skill is a demonstrated ability
“To know and not do, is to not know” Lao Tzu
Remembering and understanding are not skill.
They are both part of skill development, but skill also requires application.
In today’s complex, dynamic environment analysis, evaluation and creativity are also often needed. Bloom’s revised Taxonomy is a useful model of identifying the level of thinking required.
Skill is typically developed through need, training, practice, experience and feedback.
All our learning facilitation use a combination of these activities to facilitate people developing their skill.
Competencies are observable, on-the-job behaviours.
They are a combination of how a person applies their various abilities, skills, knowledge and traits to their role.
Knowledge + Abilities + Skills + Traits = Competencies
For example, just because someone can demonstrate the skill to provide feedback, doesn’t mean they will effectively do this in their workplace.
Knowing when and what type of feedback, as well as a willingness and confidence to provide feedback, are also important parts of competence in providing feedback.
Our workstyle profiles provide specific information on a person’s abilities and traits. This can be useful before planning skills training.
Competencies are also influenced by our environment. A workplace environment can enhance or inhibit a person’s demonstrated competence. Our workplace environment and engagement survey can be a useful tool for identifying factors impacting on competency.
Skill vs Competency
What’s the difference?
Solutions for every learning and development need.
Equip help people understand and grow their competence to fully succeed in their role.
We provide a comprehensive range of integrated and customisable services.
Facilitate talent mobility
Our competency framework, mapped to different roles, provides a clear, inspiring map of development for your team.
You can choose to apply our framework directly, or we can work with you to tailor it to your own organisation’s needs.
All our competency review and development are linked to our extensive competency framework. This makes it is easy to identify and develop the competencies needed to succeed in a new role.